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Team Lighthouse

Kenneth Tan

Equipment Specialist / Dive Instructor

Why did you start diving?
I was looking for a new adventure, a way to appreciate the beauty of this planet that we have. I've heard of these wonderful tales about the underwater world from my peers, and I had to experience it for myself. It is life changing, and I've never looked back.

What's your favourite quote?
Oooh, I love quotes. "The sea is everything. It covers seven tenths of the terrestrial globe. Its breath is pure and healthy. It is an immense desert, where man is never lonely, for he feels life stirring on all sides. The sea is only the embodiment of a supernatural and wonderful existence. It is nothing but love and emotion; it is the Living Infinite. " ― Jules Verne, Twenty Thousand Leagues Under the Sea

When I'm not diving, I'm...
Thinking about, reading about, listening to podcasts, watching videos about anything related to diving, researching about places to dive, what hasn't been yet explored, and charting ways to reach these last frontiers on Earth.

Kenneth teaches TDI technical diving courses, SDI recreational diving and dive professional level courses, as well as the full suite of FRTI first responder courses.

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